Should people be forced to stay alive unconsciously or should they be forced to die even when they are breathing?
This question is a daily subject in our society because a lot of people have different opinions for example in the states of Oregon, Washington and montana there is a law that allowed euthanasia. They say that is part of a medical treatment, rather than other countries like Switzerland that is penallized. The problem is that everybody have different opinions and life is exposed to a decision. My opinion related to this topic is that god is the only one that can take your life, nobody have the right to decide whether or not you're going to stay alive or dead, that's a extremely complicated decision and nobody can determine your life to death in any circumtances, but every person have the right to have an opinion, my opinion is in favor of life.
3/9/2012 03:03:36 am

This is the same discussion I had over the summer at the Governor Scholor Program. I didn't know what to say. I don't know if it's right or wrong. I couldn't understand why someone would want to kill themselves if they are up in healthy. But isn't that the same as suicide except someone is killing them when they want to? This is going to be a discussion that never ends.

3/12/2012 11:07:47 pm

So this is a soft topic but I believe it needs to be addressed. I think, just in case, everybody should have a legal document that needs to be renewed every year stating if they was in this predicament if they would choose to live or die. Me personally I would leave it up to my family. But if the family is in shock and didn't know what to do the document should be read. Just my opinion.

3/12/2012 11:24:38 pm

I believe that medical euthansia should be preformed at a patients request. If a patient is brain dead or in a coma, by the request of their family or doctor, they should be euthanized. When it's your time to go it's simply your time to go. No one wants to live life as a vegetable not knowing their family, where they are, what day it is, not even who they are as a person. In that sense it should be preformed.

DaShawn Robinson
3/22/2012 10:41:06 pm

i think that the patient and their family should chose to use it or not, if a patient is real bad the family may want them to use it on their family member if it is the better way out.

Mwajuma Mkandama
3/25/2012 10:46:22 pm

What is Euthanasia?

3/30/2012 01:09:45 am

I think that if a person has a living will where they choose to stay alive unconsciously or to die even when they are breathing, then they should respect that, but if they dont have a living will, then I agree with you in that, "nobody have the right to decide whether or not you're going to stay alive or dead."

4/2/2012 01:13:35 am

This is a really good question. In my opinion i think people should stay living. if their still breathing, then that doesnt give the doctors the right to kill them, just becaus their unvinscious. I've noticed that this is a big problem that goes on in the hospitals.

4/3/2012 11:24:14 pm

Why would you want someone to kill you? I think that this is a wrong thing to do but if thats what this person wants you cant argue with this.

Lanae Bryant
4/4/2012 11:27:52 pm

I think this is a really good topic . Because If a patient knows they will die && have no reason to go on for any reason I feel like thats their choice . But isnt their choice . It isnt your choice . I dont think its right that Some states Have it Illegal , I mean they dont have Suicide Illegal . Its honestly not Our choice on who gets to live and Die .

4/5/2012 10:09:16 pm

This is something that people question everyday.

Briaunna Polk
4/6/2012 12:06:23 am

I agree they should have a choice if they want to die. No on ehould be forced if they are about to die and the doctors are prolonging thier miserable lives.


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